Brenda Stewart loves lawyers. After an almost thirty-year career working in all levels of law firms, from a receptionist in college to the Director of Marketing and Client Services with Smith Moore Leatherwood, she decided to strike out on her own and start Stewart Marketing and Consulting. In her consulting practice, she helps lawyers create marketing and business development plans, and provides one on one attorney coaching. One of her signature areas of expertise is on LinkedIn. She has developed a LinkedIn training workshop to teach lawyers how to maximize their presence on the platform and create and nurture relationships without violating the Rules of Professional Conduct.
As a matter of fact, LinkedIn is how we met! Now she is a resource for my business, a source for referrals, and more importantly, a friend.
In addition to all of the incredible things she does, Brenda is now an author. Her first book, Intentional Marketing: Building Your Legal Practice One Relationship at a Time just hit the shelves.
I recently spoke with Brenda about her new book, why she works with lawyers, and what she hopes people will get out of her book.
Tea: Brenda, you have a successful consulting firm, why did you want to write a book?
Brenda: I’ve had the idea for years and with all the marketing challenges facing lawyers today it felt like there was a need for it. I’ve worked with law firms of all sizes, and the challenges they face with marketing and business development can be daunting. Some firms are fortunate enough to have in-house marketing divisions but there are lots of firms, with really talented lawyers, who don’t have those resources. You know yourself, as a consultant it’s impossible to be everywhere at once, the book provides some great information to help lawyers focus on being intentional in their efforts.
Tea: We try!
Brenda: Yes we do try! The book was a way to get the information into the hands of as many lawyers as possible. I wrote the book to be an easy read. You can start at the beginning and work your way through, or you can just pick a chapter of interest and start there. The book also has my own signature marketing action plan, the IMAP. So you can read the book and then use the IMAP to get started with your own plan complete with specific action steps.
Tea: That sounds great. Now tell me about the title, Intentional Marketing: Building Your Practice One Relationship at a Time.
Brenda: The title encompasses what I believe about marketing and business development for attorneys, actually for everyone. First off, I think that most attorneys already have the tools they need to successfully market their practice. Most already have a LinkedIn account, most already have clients and business cards. Most even have goals for their practice, although they may be too far-reaching. What is missing in so many cases, is intention. It’s important to understand the value of all things you do as they relate to your business goals and then to do them with intention. The book is a resource to bring it all together.
The second part of the title gets to the heart of everything I do. I believe that marketing and business development is all about creating authentic relationships. To me, marketing is not amassing the most billboards or banner ads, but it is about accumulating and nurturing relationships. That shift in thinking can make a powerful difference in any size law firm.
Tea: Who would benefit most from reading your book?
Brenda: There is something in the book for everyone, regardless of years of experience, size of the firm or practice area. I would like to think the book is particularly helpful for lawyers in small to mid-size firms who might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of marketing their practice. I try to demystify the process because I truly believe it’s something anyone can do.
Tea: As long as they do it with intention?
Brenda: Exactly. As long as they do it with intention.
Intentional Marketing: Building Your Practice One Relationship at a Time is available through Brenda’s website, and through Amazon.
Thanks as always for reading. Hope we have convinced you to order a copy of the book and to start marketing your practice with intention.
Until next time!